The Polegate Community Association was formed in 1961. Its aims and objectives were to further the social and educational needs of the inhabitants of Polegate and the surrounding areas.
After years of fund raising the Community Centre in Windsor Way was opened in May 1969.
The building comprised a large hall, a smaller hall, Office, kitchen, toilets and a committee room.
It soon became clear that the existing building was not big enough so fund raising started in earnest to raise money to pay for an extension to the building.
After 5 years, building started, adding the Activity Room, (now used by the Drama Group, Table Tennis, Willingdon School of Dancing, Polegate Scouts and an Art Group as well as being used for private parties.) and The Windsor Club, a members only club.
In 1982, an extension to the main hall was opened. This comprised a new stage, with a storage room underneath, a dressing room (that is also used as a committee room) with its own toilets and a store room for storing chairs and tables.The existing committee room was divided and one part became a store room and the other part remained as a committee room.
The final addition to the building was a separate storage building on land to the side of the main hall.
Fund raising is always ongoing to raise money to maintain the building.
Visit the Community Association web site at URL: http://www.polegatecommunityassociation.org.uk